:: SRP - Lightweight Aggregate for Lightweight Concrete::

Senior Associate of Construction Administration Services at Stantec in Reno, NV. We researched a number of consultants,
general, and more specifically lightweight concrete.
Stantec developed mix designs and proved the designs with trial batches. The weights were developed with pumping in
mind. On March 7th, 2006, our Point Lakeview Ready Mix Plant placed and finished the mix design developed by Stantec.
The slab we placed is open for inspection, as well as video of the procedure. However, we did not stop there. We heard of
problems in the Filed compressive strengths met C330 specifications and more importantly, the mix designs were with
Lightweight Concrete in general, and we were determined to make our product as user friendly and predictable as
possible. This led is to further extensive testing program before we would release the product to market.
We designed the testing as an exercise to test the limits, designed to fail so we would reveal the limits. As we moved
forward with the testing, we sieved the information down to a manageable level, and began to fine tune that information, out
of which we developed a mix design calculator with predictability and absolute accuracy in mind.
The aggregate is sent to a final process that rounds and smooths the edges of this material to make SRP even more pump
friendly. This final process uses a custom rotating trommel designed specifically for this application and supplied by
Doppstadt USA.
Most importantly, all this testing revealed the optimum handling of the material as well as documentation through testing on
factors such as moisture equilibrium and how that relationship affects pumping in the field.
In addition to meeting the C330 specifications, there are other advantages to our product as well as dealing with our
company: We are a local company selling in a logical market area. We offer shorter hauls, less product degradation, and a
stable supply. Transportation issues are kept to a minimum. We will not be dependant on rail delivery or rail transfer.
Logistics and costs will be reduced. Additionally, the aggregate is a natural material and is easily hydrated. More
importantly, it is easily RE-HYDRATED.
We offer consistent quality and quality control with an experienced on staff QC/QA Manager and our own QC lab, extensive
technical information, including complete information on C330 qualification, three point curves and mix design examples for
3000 PSI and 4000 PSI design mixes. In addition, our active participation from your own trial batches using your local
materials through placement at the job, and complimentary use of the mix design calculator developed specifically for our
product optimizes the success potential of your projects.